Buttock Lift

Non-Surgical Butt Lift

As the name suggests, a non-surgical butt lift is a butt lift done without surgery. Instead of liposuction and fat transfer which are both semi-invasive surgical procedures, a non-surgical buttlift instead uses injectable dermal fillers to round out the buttocks in essentially the same manner that a BBL would do.

When it comes to non-surgical buttlifts, we have a host of options that make it possible for anyone to safely and easily achieve the but of their dreams — and, yes, perhaps that sounds dramatic, but patients tell us that all the time after their butt lift.

SCULPSURE: Your first option is SculpSure, which is a proprietary device used for noninvasive body contouring. This is a popular butt lift option and it works by removing volume from those areas we don’t want it to be, which in turn maximizes volume in all the places we do want it. This method of butt lift is done over a series of 25-minute treatments and results will be seen in 6 weeks, with the height of results seen in 12 weeks.

RADIESSE: Radiesse is another great option that utilizes a dermal filler by the same name, with treatments spaced out every 4 weeks and results are seen after the first 2 treatments. These results can last up to 5 years. The benefits of this procedure is that the sculpting is rapid and effective, and it reduces cellulite while increasing volume. It will not, however, reduce fatty deposits in other areas (as the SculpSure method would do).

SAUNA THERAPY: Sauna therapy is exposing your body to high heat in an enclosed space for health purposes. The resulting elevation in core body temperature — hyperthermia — may improve your health. Traditional cultures used saunas for ceremonial or spiritual purposes. For example, Native American or shamanic sweat lodges were used for vision questing or purification as a cultural ritual.
Modern-day sauna therapy is the use of sauna bathing as a health practice. As your body is exposed to heat, your breathing rate increases and your body may begin to sweat.

Contact us any time if you need more details about the services and get the booking quote
